Legal Services, Contract law, Dispute resolution, Contract Checking
Legal Services, Contract law, Dispute resolution, Contract Checking
CW Contract Law and Legal
CW Contract Law and Legal


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We specialise in 

  • Contract Checking &
  • Contract Review

Prices start at £90.00


Telephone us on


0333 121 0161


between 09.00 - 18.00 Monday to Friday


Surrey Office

Office Suite 1


Fetcham Grove

Guildford Road


Surrey, KT22 9AS

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Frequently asked questions

1. Why should I use CW Contract Law and Legal?


Because we only deliver legal services covering contract law, contracts, business terms and conditions and business contracts and law that start ups, SME's and owner managed businesses require that add value to your business. Fixed cost legal services  that facilitates you to have the business law that enables you to deliver your business proposition without excessive legal costs and unnecessary legal jargon. 


2.  Why not just download a cheaper template from the internet and do it myself? 


If you have the knowledge and skills we recommend these sites. We offer a fixed cost contract review and contract checking service for those that want to do this. Prices start from £90.00. However, in your business your time is the scarcest resource and must be guarded and looked after. We believe that your skills are in your business and unless you have the expertise within the law of contract then you may not achieve the best outcome and, in some cases, you may well leave yourself open to potential disputes. We align the business law requirement with the ways of working you want. Nobody else offers a contract review under professional indemnity insurance at our affordable levels 


3. Why not just use a specialist lawyer? 


We believe business contracts, legal services and access to the law of contract is for everybody not just those who can afford high prices. We are uniquely positioned to deliver affordable legal business solutions that deliver a link to your specific ways of working and therefore your required proposition. Specialist lawyers do this, but charge many more times our fixed cost fees. Where we are unequivocal is that if we cannot deliver we advise the use of a specialist lawyer and our advice is always cost effective. We never advise on anything where we may jeopardise your business.



4. In law don’t you get the law you pay for? 


We agree with this statement 100% in areas of criminal law and divorce proceedings, but it is not true where you obtain fixed cost legal services from CW Contract Law and Legal. We are more expensive than the do it yourself download websites, but we are offering a full legal services delivery model with no hidden charges under our £1m professional indemnity insurance. Do it yourself contracts are less than what we offer, but not as effective as us. Specialist legal firms and solicitors are 3-5 times our price, but are only equally effective and in some cases less effective. £STG for £STG our service passes muster against anybody and we always deliver the proposition in full.


5. I have slow payment/debt issues   why not use a larger debt collection agency?


We recommend these for certain types of B2C debt, but unlike these agencies we focus on your debt, treat each debt as unique, do not sell on our debts and do not use a call centre to chase. We analyse your debt via contract review and look at all facets of what is required then deliver. We have an excellent record of collecting revenues and in most cases debtors pay up and the business relationship continues. We also look at all facets of revenue collection and what contrcatual issues caused it for our clients. 


6. I have a legal dispute can you help me?


Yes, we can advise on the issues in relation to the law of contract, but we will not represent you in court and we will pass on the conduct of litigation to a solicitor or a barrister in our team who specialises in litigation. We have advised many small businesses, following a contract review, what their contract or document says and whether the small claims court is the best option. We do give advice on legal disputes and what your chances are as a plaintiff in person or if you use specialists and we highlight the areas where there is contractual obligation or the where contract/agreement says something specific. We look at where breaches have occurred and will advise on the law in relation to the contract and look at the best way to get paid without going to court. Most contractual disputes arise because the agreed ways of working are not included in the contract and many legal clauses that are written in the pages of contracts and documents are not understood by business owners and do not relate to the specifics required for the business deliverable.  


7. Will you be able to advise me of a lawyer to use in my contractual legal dispute?


Yes, where we cannot see any other way. We have collaboration agreements with corporate lawyers, barristers and solicitors and we recommend these companies based upon their track record. What we cannot guarantee is that they will take any case on if approached and we cannot quote their fixed costs as each case is different.


8. What are my chances if I go to court?


Court is the final option and we use all other methods to prevent court action. It is a fact that over 60% of County Court judgements awarded never get satisfied, which is why we always say to clients: use our expertise first and allow us to give you the best chance under the law.

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