Legal Services, Contract law, Dispute resolution, Contract Checking
Legal Services, Contract law, Dispute resolution, Contract Checking
CW Contract Law and Legal
CW Contract Law and Legal


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The Lawyer International - Legal 100 - 2025 in the category of: Best Contract Law Services


Global 100 - Awards

Best Contract Law Services 2024


UK Legal Awards 2024 Commendation of Excellence: Client Service Innovation


We specialise in 

  • Lease Review
  • Contract Checking 
  • Contract Review

Prices start at £90.00


Telephone us on


0333 121 0161


between 09.00 - 18.00 Monday to Friday


Surrey Office

Office Suite 1


Fetcham Grove

Guildford Road


Surrey, KT22 9AS

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Business debt recovery, business debt collection, Commercial debt recovery. offices in surrey and dorset.

  1. AVC Debt Recovery are the business debt recovery arm of CW Contract Law and Legal and are specialists in commercial debt recovery, business debt collection and business debt recovery.
  2. AVC Debt recovery offer no win no fee offered as standard. 
  3. We get your monies into your account
  4. No hidden fees.
  5. No initial charges.
  6. If a debt can be collected we can collect it. 


Visit our website


commercial Debt Recovery, Business debt recovery

We act on behalf of all businesses (large and small) who may struggling to recover their money with our expert business debt recovery and commercial debt recovery solutions, saving you valuable time and resources from chasing late paying customers.


Please call us on 0333 121 0161  or use our contact form to talk to a business debt recovery expert and receive a complimentary no obligation business debt recovery consultation.


contract review and contract checking to enable swift debt recovery analysis.






no win no fee oFFERED AS STANDARD. we only charge if we are

successful in recovering your monies - not by the hour.


We deal with the Debt for YOU


We guarantee that cases are handled by experienced debt recovery specialists and legal professionals not claims handlers. This means that the claim does not get stuck on a conveyor belt of 'three stage' template letters or non payment dead end streets, but that business debt recovery and commercial debt recovery is made as quickly as possible by not making idle threats.


Who am I instructing?


You are instructing a small robust company, who are specialists in collecting your monies firmly and professionally. You gain the benefit of a highly skilled dynamic team who are focused to recover your monies. Our service will be specific and tailored to your needs.


Improved cashflow for you is one simple action from you away. Visit our specialist debt recovery website 

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